Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. A high service partner and consumer advocate that will help you fight for the credit you deserve!
Growing up no one ever taught me about the importance of credit. To be honest, I didn’t realize a credit card was spending money that you didn’t actually have in your bank, and that if you weren’t able to pay it all back right away, that you would pay interest. Once I became an adult and had the rush of having my first credit card, I quickly realized how easy it is to spend above your means. I actually got into a bit of a credit card debt, and credit repair isn’t easy. Derogatory marks can stay on your credit report for up to 7 years. Also, if you don’t know what you are doing, it’s really hard to settle credit debts, or to remove those remarks from your reports. This is one of the reasons I am so passionate about being financially savvy and I like to share that information with my readers and besties.
However, I wanted to share an amazing solution that could really help any one of you to repair your credit. Lexington Law Firm is one of the oldest and most respected names within credit repair. They are actually the only people with both the legal experience and technology to advocate and drive results for consumers. They provide more than half a million people with the ease to have affordable legal help and the resources needed to navigate all the complexities that come with credit repair. Improving your credit score really does take time, but it can be done. All of us have the right to good credit, and we have the law on our side to help fix any mistakes.
The whole credit repair industry has significantly grown in the past few years, and there is a lot of fact vs. fiction information. You need to be educated that errors can and NEED to be fixed. These errors, are what stop you from buying a house, a new car, taking out private school loans, and creating a safety net for your future. How do you even know if your credit is considered “bad”? Well if you have a score under 560, then that is not good. People with these low credit scores are considered risky to lenders. Lenders feel that people with low credit cannot pay their bills on time. They also worry you won’t be able to pay them back because perhaps your revolving credit is too high and you owe another creditor too much. I learned a lot about what kind of credit my husband and I needed to have when we got married and bought a house. It’s a lot to think about and I was really worried that we wouldn’t be able to do things we had been dreaming of. I am actually still in the process of repairing my credit.
Lexington Law Firm believes that all of us have the right to a fair, accurate, and substantiated credit report. They can navigate the whole credit repair process by taking their knowledge and the power of the law to fight for our rights to good credit. I bet you are wondering how this company can repair your credit, when it seems daunting to do it yourself. Well, it’s because Lexington Law Firm has strong relationships with all three of the credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Having not only these relationships, plus an expertise in knowing how to remove the errors, this enables the team to communicate more efficiently for you.
Lexington Law Firm wants to make sure that even after your credit score is repaired that you will have the knowledge to continue to monitor and even increase your score as you go. This is why they are such an amazing company that I would put my trust in. You can actually do what I did, and schedule a free personalized credit consultation to see if they are the right fit for your needs.
Xoxo, Nikki
This is a such a helpful post for those that are starting our in adult life and need direction for how to navigate spending money correctly and safely. The financial decisions we make as young adults will continue to follow us unto the rest of our lives. Its so important to understand the decisions we make especially with credit cards how they can effect your credit score!
While I don’t have any problems with my credit, it’s great to know there are ways to get it fixed and people who can help. The only time mine was low was when I was an account holder on my dad’s credit card (in case of emergencies) that he used for everything so it always has a high balance. Even though he always pays it off, it was hurting my credit so I took my name off his card.
I always had pretty good credit but my husband hit kind of a rough spot a few years into our relationship that he’s FINALLY piecing back together. It’s so helpful to have someone in your court helping you to repair your credit.
My credit is so much better than it was 10 years ago. Luckily, my husband helped me so much to get back on track. I was one of those 18 year olds who gets a credit card and BUYS everything…
I wish there was more education out there about what affects credit. It’s not just missed payments. While I have never had negative notes on my credit, I did at one point have quite a bit of credit out in my name which made it difficult for me to obtain more when I needed it. It was a phase of my life that I needed (college debt, car debt etc). I never missed a payment but I also had no room to make a mistake either.
I wish there was more focus on teaching young people how to responsibly use credit. It’s something that so many do not understand until it is too late! This was a very informative post.
I feel like there needs to be more info like this around! So much none of us know, so thank heavens for people like you sharing your knowledge.
What a great service they provide to consumers! I was lucky in that for years and years (until I graduated from college) I was allowed to use my parents’ credit card and then the Bank of Mama came calling EVERY SINGLE MONTH, a few weeks before the bill was due, to collect. So we knew that BEFORE we spent anything on the card, we had to have the $ in the bank to pay her back IMMEDIATELY. It was a lesson I never forgot.
This is such a helpful post about fixing credit I am sending this info to a couple friends who need help. It’s not always easy to repair credit on your own!
Thank you so much for sharing all this valuable information! For our family it’s vital to budget and make sure that we keep track of our expenses, it’s always too easy to let go and tempting to get into debt!
this post is so useful. i think credit score is very important. thank you sharing !