Good morning!! If you’re reading this right now, I’m actually on a plane heading towards New York for Fashion Week 😉 I love planning and getting ready for trips that I’m super excited for, and because of that I think it’s so much fun to organize and pack ahead of time. Today I’m sharing how I pack my carry-on suitcase. This is the hardest bag to pack because you have to be a bit more strategic about what’s in it, since you have much less room. I have never had the airlines lose one of my bags, but I have heard so many horror stories of it happening to friends. If it were to ever happen to me I want to make sure I have enough of what I need, just in case I’m stuck with just what I’ve packed in my carry-on for a night, or more!
Obviously my carry-on doesn’t look as pretty and neat when it’s actually packed up, (come on…you know you shove it all in when it comes to a carry-on haha) but here’s what I have packed in the right side:
– Extra change of clothes and Undies (can’t forget those)
– Fave soft PJ’s
– Comfortable shoes
– Sunglasses in a hard case
– Wireless Headphones for the plane
– Makeup wipes
– Sleep Mask & Neck Pillow (I am a plane napper)
– A cosmetics case with some travel-sized essentials: contact solution, evian spray, lip balm, and pre-heels
– All chargers (phone, computer, tablet, ect) & Battery Bank
– any travel documents (esp. if you are traveling out of the country)
The left side of my carry-on has a zippered closure so I like to keep all my valuable there so nothing falls out! If I am packing one of my nice handbags, then I’ll put my underwear, or socks inside to help maintain it’s shape. I also have a jewelry organizer with all my nice jewelry that I keep in this side. I like all the compartments in it, so that nothing gets tangled and ruined while traveling.
Top | Purse | Jeans | Carry-On | Rosario Sneakers
I also always pack my laptop in my carry-on (or purse) and then the flat zippered compartment to the right is a perfect snack compartment. I went loaded up on protein bars, granola, and my favorite trail mix since I may not get to sit down for meals at normal times during Fashion Week!
If you have any questions on packing, or Fashion Week, let me know in the comments! Stay tuned on Instagram Stories (@thefashionableaccountant) & Snapchat (@nikkiarnold314) to see all my trip details 🙂
Great tips! Thank you for sharing <3
Thanks for this info…will use for my trip to Orlando in October for the conference…need to take nice pants with
Tops so need to fold correctly so not to wrinkle as I do not iron anymore.
Keep up the good work and love your boys too…all 3!!!
Thank you Gma!! Yes, I would roll all of your items and then you can always use a steamer for some wrinkles which I have a portable one!! xoxo Can’t wait to see you!!